
Adults and Children Together Against Violence

Features a searchable database of over 250 journal articles, book chapters, and other publications that address topics related to children, violence, and violence prevention.

Bully Free Zone

Bully Free Zone is a British website with information and resources for parents whose children are either being bullied or acting out as a bully. Incudes a downloadable Bullying Guide for Parents.

Bulling No Way!

This Australian site covers issues of bullying with a parent/guardian audience in mind. Includes videos, links, and downloadable material

Internet Savvy Training

This online training module teaches parents about potential risks their children face on the Internet. The course focuses on cyberbullying, social networking, online marketing, gaming, and sexual exploitation. It includes important tips and tools for parents to help protect their children online.

Kidscape: Parents & Carers

Kidscape is the first charity in the UK established specifically to prevent bullying and child sexual abuse. The Parent & Carers' section of this site covers many issues including Protecting Children from Paedophiles, Assertiveness for Children and Bullying/Cyberbullying.

Media Smarts

This site bills itself as Canada's Centre for Digital and Media Literacy. It covers multiple issues relating to media and internet safety, including cyberbullying, for parents and teachers.

National Crime Prevention Council: Bullying

The site by the Nationa Crime Prevention Council in the US provides advice and suggestions for parent/guardians whose children are dealing wtih the issues of bullying. Also covers other relevant issues such as cell phone and internet safety, hate crime, school and neighbourhood safety, and conflict resolution.


PREVNet is a national network committed to stopping bullying. The site featres numerous tip sheets and online videos for parents on all aspects of bullying.