Adults and Children Together Against Violence
Features a searchable database of over 250 journal articles, book chapters, and other publications that address topics related to children, violence, and violence prevention.
Best Practices in Bullying Prevention
Offers 10 research-based and practical steps to eliminating bullying in any school.
Bullies in Books
Educator C.J. Bott reviews fiction books with bullying characters and themes and offers guidance and how they can be used to spark useful discussions among children and youth.
Bully Beware
This is a B.C. website for students, parents, and teachers with useful information and resources on all aspects of bullying.
Bully Free Zone
A British website with excellent information and resources for students, parents, and educators.
Bully Lab
Devoted to research on bullying from Wendy Craig at Queen's University.
Bullying Awareness: Reclaiming our Schools.
Provides an in-depth look at bullying within the school system in its three main forms: physical, verbal, and social. It outlines curriculum integration and implementation techniques and provides educators with print-and-use forms, checklists, and fact sheets.
Bullying No Way!
This Australian site features a wealth of information and resources on bullying and prevention for parents, students, and educators.
Aims to prevent bullying in society through education and awareness. Features online learning and educational resources in order to help people deal effectively and positively with the act of bullying and its long-lasting negative consequences.
Canadian Safe School Network
The Canadian Safe School Network (CSSN) is a national, not-for-profit, registered charitable organization with a mandate to reduce youth violence and make schools and communities safer. The site faciliates discussion on this issue with a blog and through Twitter and Facebook.
Cerebral Palsy Guidance
Provides information on bullying that targets children with disabilities.
Provides information about cyberbullying in it's various incarnations including via email, IM (Instant Messaging) and chat. The Facts and News section gives relevant Canadian statistics related to this topic.
Cyberbully: School Libraries In Canada Site
An informative, comprehensive site for parents and teachers to learn more about cyberbullying and what they can do about it.
Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario
ETFO has a wealth of resources on topics related to bullying prevention in schools.
Kidscape is the first charity in the UK established specifically to prevent bullying and child sexual abuse. This website contains information and resources for children and young people under the age of 16, their parents, and those who work with them.
Media Awareness Network
This media literacy organization provides information for parents, teachers and students on the topic of cyberbullying.
Ministry of Education: Bullying Prevention
This website contains a statement of the Government of Ontario's commitment to preventing bullying. It also has links to school surveys by division and the Ministry's Registry of Bullying Prevention Programs.
National Crime Prevention Council: Bullying
Examines characteristics of bullies and victims and discusses the roles of students, teachers, parents and schools. This site also has numerous links to other sites about bullying.
National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Centre
A clearinghouse site for the latest research and initiatives on violence and bullying prevention. Includes a Success Stories section where educators can submit and share their experiences, projects and research on this topic with each other. Created by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association
Excellent resources and references on bullying prevention in the educational workplace.
Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
Provides information and resources on bullying in high schools. (Use the search bar in the upper left corner to find this material). It also contains the report commissioned jointly by OSSTF, EFTO and OECTA on bullying in the Ontario educational workplace.
Operation Respect
Operation Respect is a non-profit organization working to ensure each child and youth a respectful, safe, and compassionate climate of learning where their academic, social, and emotional development can take place free of bullying, ridicule, and violence.
PREVNet is a national network committed to stopping bullying. This site has a wealth of research-based information on all aspects of bullying.
Education World: Stop Bullying Before It Starts
An informative article for administrators on bullying at school. It includes useful links.